Fuel Line Kit w/ Check Valve Vent
Snappy RC Ultimate Fuel Line Kit for HPI Baja 5B/5T
3 hole Fuel Tank Grommet
Billet Aluminum Check Valve Vent*
Heavy Duty Fuel Cap Gasket
Instructions & Sticker
Use 2 cycle oil to lubricate the grommet and tubing, it is a tight fit!
The pickup tube should be approximately five inches through the
grommet. Install fuel pickup filter clunk. Return and vent tubing
should less than half an inch through the grommet.
Lubricate the grommet with 2 cycle oil and install in tank.
Connect the pickup tube to the bottom carburetor nipple.
Connect the return tube to the top carburetor nipple.
Install the check valve in the vent tube.
Remove old guts from gas cap and plug vent hole:
Tapping the hole and inserting a set screw is recommended.
“SealAll” or similar fuel resistant sealant will also work.
Reuse the cap guts or install the new cap gasket.